Undersøgelse af Termas eksport

Terma headquarter in Lystrup, Denmark.

Erhvervsstyrelsen har nu afsluttet sin undersøgelse af Termas eksport af navigationsradarudstyr til De forenede Arabiske Emirater (UAE). En undersøgelse, som Erhvervsstyrelsen indledte i maj 2020 for at afklare, om EU-reglerne om eksport af dual-use produkter, herunder den såkaldte catch-all regel, var blevet overholdt.

Erhvervsstyrelsen har meddelt Terma, at man har bedt Østjyllands Politi om at vurdere, om catch-all reglen er overtrådt som følge af, at Terma ikke på forhånd gav meddelelse til Erhvervsstyrelsen om eksporten af de pågældende reservedele.

Terma har tidligere i 2020 på eget initiativ bedt Erhvervsstyrelsen indhente teknisk vurdering af SCANTER 2001 radaren hos Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse, der vurderede, at SCANTER 2001 hverken er omfattet af dual-use forordningen eller våbenloven.

Terma har igennem hele forløbet samarbejdet med Erhvervsstyrelsen og har bidraget med detaljerede oplysninger og dokumentation i sagen. På samme måde har vi overfor politiet tilkendegivet, at vi naturligvis vil samarbejde om sagen, og stille den information til rådighed, der er nødvendig for en hurtig afklaring.

Det er fortsat Termas opfattelse, at den pågældende eksport er sket i fuld overensstemmelse med gældende danske og internationale regler, og vi imødeser myndighedernes fortsatte undersøgelse af sagen.

Mens sagerne vurderes af politiet, har Terma ikke yderligere kommentarer.

Investigation of Terma’s export 

The Danish Business Authority (DBA) has now completed the investigation of Terma's exports of navigation radar equipment to the United Arab Emirates (UAE). An investigation initiated by the DBA in May 2020 to clarify whether the EU rules on exports of dual-use products, including the so-called catch-all rule, had been violated.

DBA has informed Terma that it has asked the police (East Jutland Police) to assess whether the catch-all rule has been violated as a result of Terma not notifying the DBA in advance of the export of the spare parts in question.

Earlier in 2020, Terma on its own initiative asked the DBA to obtain a technical assessment of the SCANTER 2001 radar from the Danish Ministry of Defence Acquisition and Logistics Organisation (DALO). DALO concluded that SCANTER 2001 is neither covered by the dual-use regulation nor the Firearms Act.

Throughout the process, Terma has collaborated with the DBA and has contributed with detailed information and documentation. We have informed the police that we will cooperate and provide the necessary information for a clarification.

It is still Terma's opinion that the export in question has taken place in full accordance with current Danish and international rules, and we await the authorities' continued investigation of the case.

While the cases are being assessed by the police, Terma has no further comment.

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Terma in Brief

The Denmark based high-tech Terma Group develops products and systems for defense and non-defense security applications; including command and control systems, radar systems, self-protection systems for aircraft, space technology, and aerostructures for the aircraft industry.

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