C2 Hero

Command & Control

We develop software and systems that ensures you complete situational awareness that optimizes your decision support.

Situational awareness, Communication and Speed

Now than ever before are tons of data available and to understand it gives you a tactical advantage. We develop C2 systems that collect and present data to give you the optimal foundation for making mission critical decisions.

Command and control room.
Situational Awareness

Optimize Decision Support

At Terma, we unite in-depth hardware understanding with state-of-the-art software development. Combined, these two elements will help you maximize situational understanding and optimize decision support.
Our capabilities
People in a meeting room.

Experienced and Independent System Integrator

At Terma, we present you with independent recommendations based on our experience. This ensures a successful system integration project.
Our capabilities
Terma employee working on a computer.
Decision Making

Ultra-fast and Accurate Decision Support

Harness the power of intelligence and let the right people get the right information — at the right time and in the right format.
Our capabilities
Defence command and control room.

Keep Operators On the OODA Loop – not in it

With our automation solutions, you can remove trivial tasks and free up time and resources for more complex tasks.
Our capabilities
Computer screens with Terma's command and control system.
User interface

Fielded and User-Friendly Interfaces for Easier Operations

Every day, our end-users face complex decisions in complex environments. The last thing they need is a complex system to navigate. That’s why we design our user interfaces carefully.
Our capabilities