Terma SCANTER radar providing coastal surveillance on Bornholm, Denmark.

Radar Systems

We are the only radar supplier specializing in affordable small target detection in extreme weather conditions.

Safety & Security

Terma SCANTER radars are renown for state-of-the-art technology. We have more than 3,000 SCANTER radar installations around the world providing safety and security in both civilian and military applications where failure is not an option.

Terma SCANTER radar at Nice Airport in France.
Radar Antennas

Bespoke Solutions to Meet Your Exact Radar Antenna Needs

Regardless of whether or not you fully know your radar requirements, team up with a leading radar supplier and find the antenna solution that will best meet your needs.
Learn more about Antennas
 Terma Engineer giving support on a radar tranciever on Bornholm in Denmark.
Radar Transceivers

High-Resolution, Software-Based Transceivers

At Terma, our transceiver solutions are modular, versatile and scalable. They are born and designed for seamless integration with third-party systems.
Learn more about Transceivers
Drone by an offshore rig platform.
Drone Detection

Superior situational awareness for drone challenges

Today, drones pose one of the greatest threats to security of both people and places - particularly for critical infrastructure. It is especially the small to medium size drones which challenge traditional surveillance systems.
More about Drone Detection