Tactical Data Link (TDL) is used to ensure exchange of a Common Operating Picture (COP) between cooperating units. Whether this COP being airborne, sea- or ground- based, a TDL is required to exchange real-time tactical data securely and reliable. TDL enables interoperability working in an international environment.
C-LINK is the collective name for the various TDL supported by the Terma C-Flex Command & Control system.
C-LINK can be used onboard different platforms, such as: ships, helicopters, Maritime Patrol- and Surveillance Aircrafts, Headquarters or Operation Centres.

C-LINK is the collective name for the various Tactical Data Link’s (TDL) supported by C-Flex.
For NATO nations C-Flex supports:
- Link-11
- Link-16
- Link-22 (prepared for)
As an alternative for non-NATO nations Terma offers
- Link T
The Link T interface implemented is based on the Link-16 data model.
The C-LINK implementation is a fully integrated application in C-Flex and based on intuitive Windows based Human Machine Interface (HMI)/Graphical User Interface (GUI), ensuring ease of use to the operators and requiring a minimum of training and education.
The fundamental types of information, for which a C-LINK application in C-Flex can exchange data, are:
- Own Unit and Platform Status
- Tracks
- Track Management
- Electronic Warfare
- Anti Submarine Warfare
- Intelligence
- Commands
- Engagements
- Fighter Control / Mission Assignments
- Points/Lines/Areas
- Pointers
- Free text
C-LINK supports various means of communication depending on the TDL solution chosen:
- HF
- SatCom
- IP Networks (JRE/SimpleJ)

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