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Power SCOE

Reliable solution for powering, monitoring and testing your satellite

Power density and versatility revolutionized power test systems for spacecraft and satellite testing

The Power SCOE is the reliable and safe solution for powering, monitoring and testing your satellite’s power subsystem during assembly, integration and test as well as on the launch pad just prior to lift-off.

Reliable satellite power supply under all space conditions

Proven products based on generic and mission-independent components

Synchronous event data recording allows for quick analysis of suspicious behavior

UniverSAS ®

All-in-one power testing device for space industry

The core of the Power SCOE is a fully digital software defined power supply UniverSAS® 2.0. UniverSAS® is a very compact, all-in-one power testing device designed for space industry environments. A SAS (Solar Array Simulator), battery simulator, launch power supplies, pyro / thermal knife SCOE and payload load simulator ensure that your satellite’s power supply is in perfect condition for the launch and prepared to perform flawlessly for its entire lifespan.

Protection Unit for Satellite Testing

In case of an anomaly, our Protection Unit for Satellite Testing (ProUST) provides an additional protection layer (SLP) that works independently of the main power supply in order to prevent a single point of failure. With a protection reaction time of 20 μs, ProUST is your satellite’s safety net that steps in when all other systems fail.


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Contact us

If you have any questions about our Power SCOE, please send us a message.