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Our responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives

At Terma, we believe that we have a responsibility for our business operations and the impact we have. Therefore, we work actively with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), more specifically business-driven Corporate Social Responsibility. This entails that the CSR areas we focus on are linked to our core business. We believe this is the most sustainable and responsible way to work with CSR as we create value for society, our stakeholders, as well as ourselves.

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We have established a Corporate Social Responsibility strategy to structure and drive our efforts, which you can read more about here.
Our CSR Strategy
ASIM on the International Space Station.

Code of Conduct

Our Employee Code of Conduct is applicable to all employees and Board members located around the world. The Code describes Terma’s commitments, what we need to comply with, and how we can help each other in our daily routines to live up to these commitments.
Terma Employee Code Of Conduct
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Ethics line

Terma’s multilingual whistleblower system, Ethics Line, offers a confidential and safe channel, where any employee or third party can report concerns, if they suspect that serious or illegal misconduct or other potential wrongdoing is taking place.
Learn about our Ethics Line